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Production and sale of flexible marble and marble wallpaper

We produce: flexible marble, marble wallpaper, flexible stone, flexible brick, flexible tile and plaster, murals on flexible marble, as well as all related fluids for installation.

Our products

Flexible Marble
Wide-format flexible marble

Flexible Marble Wallpaper
Designer wallpaper, children's, 3d, imitation concrete, brick and masonry, trending wallpaper

Flexible Stone
Flexible stone in sheets

Interior paintings
Interior paintings made of marble

Plaster in a roll
Plain plaster in a roll


Flexible tile
Flexible tile

Glue, primer, finish coating
Related products for installation

Flexible Brick
Piece flexible brick


Where flexible marble and flexible stone are used

It is profitable to cooperate with LTD FLEXIBLE MERMER

Industrial scale
Compliance with deadlines
Technical control
Best Price Guarantee
Huge selection
In stock
Compact packaging
Individual orders

Our services

We will provide the necessary

At any stage of working with the material
We will make according to your sizes

Fast and high-quality delivery

We will perform works with a guarantee

Calculate the required footage and the cost of installation

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